Solutions to common DND problems.

1- "My DM sucks, here are some reasons why ____. How can I fix this?"
Solution- "Hey DM I dislike ____ about your game. Can you change it?" If "yes" great, if "no" either shut up and deal or leave.
2- "My players all suck, here are some reasons why ___. How can I fix this?"
Solution- "Hey players. I dislike ___ about your playstyle. Can you make an effort to change this? If "yes" great. If "no", either shut up and deal or leave.
3- 1- "This other player sucks, here are some reasons why ____. How can I fix this?"
Solution- "Hey Other player I dislike ____ about your play style. Can you change it?" If "yes" great, if "no" either shut up and deal or leave.